Album of drawings of East and West Wellow, Hampshire, c.1846

Item date: 1846
(this is an approximate date)
Grant Value: £2,000
Item cost: £12,000
Item date acquired: 2011
Item institution: Hampshire Record Office
Town/City: Winchester
County: Hampshire

An album of drawings of buildings and scenes in the west Hampshire village of Wellow by an unknown artist, c. 1846. It contains 109 pencil, chalk and wash drawings of Wellow and its inhabitants, forming a unique record of life in a Hampshire village at this time, showing the local people and their farms and cottages, in most cases naming the householder or farm. This allows direct comparison with the census returns of 1841 and 1851 and the tithe map and apportionment of 1844, and forms a pictorial ‘reconstruction’ of the village at the time.

Item Provenance
Possibly a member of the family of the Revd. William Empson, vicar of Wellow from 1844; a private vendor.