Autograph letter of John Keats to Fanny Brawne

Item author: John Keats
Item date: 1820
Grant Value: £10,000
Item cost: £80,000
Item date acquired: 2011
Item institution: Keats House
Town/City: London

John Keats (1795-1821) wrote this passionate letter  to his fiancée Frances (Fanny) Brawne (1800-1865) in March 1820, when he was housebound in Hampstead with tuberculosis, and Fanny Brawne was living in the property adjoining Wentworth Place.  The letter  movingly demonstrates the intensity of their relationship. Keats writes about kissing her signature and, on the back of the letter, he advises her not to visit  him that day as he knew the disease was contagious. Within a year of its writing  he was dead.

When this grant was awarded, Keats House was managed by London Metropolitan Archives.

Item Provenance
Several American owners, including Roger W. Barrett of Chicago, and Bruce P. Ferrini of Akron, Ohio; Roy Davids Collection, Bonham's 29 March 2011, lot 138