Autograph manuscripts and books

Item author: Sir Henry Cole
Item date: 19th century
Grant Value: 3,125
Item cost: 6,250
Item date acquired: 1997
Item institution: Victoria & Albert Museum
Town/City: London

Manuscript journals of a journey to Vienna in 1851 and a journey to Palermo in 1868. The former includes autograph letters from Herbert Minton, Coles travelling companion as well as maps, ephemera, bills and receipts. The Palermo volume also includes two resulting pamphlet publications and two gouache drawings. There are also 5 volumes of pamphlets, many relating to the Great Exhibition (that Cole largely organised) and the South Kensington Museums (of which Cole was the founder). Illustrated at p.20 of AR

Item Provenance
Collection of the grandson of Coles great-granddaughter