Book of Hours

Item date: 15th century
Grant Value: 2,000
Item cost: 4,140
Item date acquired: 2002
Item institution: Derbyshire Record Office

A family prayer book in its original binding with clasps and the remains of chain fastenings. Early memoranda in the book reveal the familys connection with Edmund Campion, the Jesuit executed in 1581 and with Robert Keyes, one of the Gunpowder Plot conspirators executed in 1605. Illustrated at p.34 of AR

Item Provenance
Sacheverell family of Morley, passed in mid 19th century to the Wardle family, in the 20th century it was the property of RA Dufty, Farnham, bought in 1962 by DR Bentham, milkman of Loughborough - who put his name and address in the book in ball point pen; sold by his heirs at Mellors and Kirk, Nottingham, February 2002, lot 468