The Cartwright of Aynho Archive

Item date: c.1250-1954
Grant Value: £10,000
Item cost: £300,000
Item cost pre-decimal: NULL
Item date acquired: 2007
Item institution: Northamptonshire Archives Service
Town/City: Northampton
County: Northamptonshire

An outstanding archive of the Aynho estate papers, title deeds, together with personal papers of members of the Cartwright family in public life, including William Ralph Cartwright, MP for Northamptonshire (d.1847); his son Sir Thomas Cartwright, minister in Frankfurt 1830-38 and ambassador to Sweden 1838-50. whose papers include letters from Lord Palmerston, 1831-40; his son William Cornwallis Cartwright. MP for Oxfordshire, a supporter of Garibaldi and an informal adviser to the Government on foreign affairs; and his son Sir Fairfax Leighton Cartwright, ambassador to the Austro-Hungarian Empire, 1908-13.

Item Provenance
The Cartwright of Aynho Family