Cato A Tragedy

Item author: Joseph Addison
Item date: 1725
Grant Value: £200
Item cost: £200
Item date acquired: 2012
Item institution: Bruce Castle Museum, Archives & Local History Service
Town/City: London

A translation of Addison's play 'Cato' which was dedicated to Henry, 3rd Lord Coleraine, Henry Hare (1693-1749), lord of the manor at Bruce Castle from 1708-1749.  Although this particular volume was not Lord Coleraine's own copy, it is very likely that this work would have formed part of Henry Hare's library of 10,000 books at Bruce Castle.  This volume is evidence of Henry Hare's support and influence in the world of the arts and literature in 1725, and of his support of the arts abroad.

Item Provenance
Christopher Edwards, antiquarian bookseller