Charter of Rufford Abbey

Item date: c.1180-90
Grant Value: £1,000
Item cost: £4,110
Item date acquired: 2010
Item institution: Nottinghamshire Archives
Town/City: Nottingham
County: Nottinghamshire

This fine charter is a confirmation of a grant of nine bovates of land in Eakring, Nottinghamshire by Matthew, Abbott of Rufford, to Osbert de Capella and Emma his wife. A seal of Osbert depicting his device (a wheel?) is attached to the charter. The charter does not appear in any of the surviving Rufford cartularies, but an endorsement shows that it was among the abbey muniments. The charter is an important addition to the fine series of early Rufford Abbey charters in the Savile family muniments in Nottinghamshire Archives.

Item Provenance
Bloomsbury Auctions, 28 October 2010, lot 1