A Declaration of the afflictions and the persecution of the Protestants in the Marquisate of Saluce, belonging to the Duke of Savoy ...

Item author: Anon
Item date: 1620
Grant Value: 700
Item cost: 1,400
Item date acquired: 1999
Item institution: Huguenot Society of Great Britain and Ireland
Town/City: London

Four persecution tracts bound in one volume. The others are An account of the persecutions and oppressions of the Protestants in France, 1686; An account of the late persecution of the Protestants of the Vallys of Piemont by the Duke of Savoy and the French King in the year 1686, 1688; and The true and last declaration of the inhabitants of the Cevennes, now in arms ... 1703. The second listed is a variant of Wing A315. The pamphlets make a representative sample of English interest in the continental struggles of the period

Item Provenance
Ximenes Rare Books