Designs for the west and south elevations of Kinross County House and Jail

Item author: Robert Adam and associates
Item date: 1771
Grant Value: 1000
Item cost: 6695
Item cost pre-decimal: NULL
Item date acquired: 2009
Item institution: National Archives of Scotland
Town/City: Edinburgh

A previously unrecorded drawing for the south and west elevations of the Court House. Robert Adam was Kinross County's MP 1768-74; the Court House was the major public building in his constituency, and he paid for the improvements in the south and west elevations himself. The drawing is not in his own hand; it was his practice to have his initial sketches worked up and highly finished by his skilled draughtsmen. The building survives today, much altered, as flats and shop premises.

Item Provenance
Lyon and Turnbull's sale, Edinburgh, 4 February 2009, lot 1