The Finch Hatton Archive

Item date: 13th to 19th centuries
Grant Value: 10,000
Item cost: 472,000 (tax remission)
Item cost pre-decimal: NULL
Item date acquired: 2003
Item institution: Northamptonshire Archives Service
Town/City: Northampton
County: Northamptonshire

This archive relates to a family, with all its marriage alliances, spanning 700 years. The core is the family and estate papers of Hattons of Kirby Hall and Holdenby, Northamptonshire. The archive contains the papers of Sir Christopher Hatton, Lord Chancellor under Elizabeth I; the antiquarian papers of the 1st Lord Hatton (1630s and 1640s) including the Ceremonial of the Knights of Bath and the Book of Seals; documentary evidence of the Civil War in the county; the political papers of Daniel Finch, 2nd Earl of Nottingham, while he was Secretary of State 1702-04; and the extensive estate records from 1276 onwards. One page from the Book of Seals is illustrated in the AR.

Item Provenance
Family descent