G F Handel arias and trio from Alcina and Ariodante.

Item author: G F Handel
Item date: 1733
(this is an approximate date)
Grant Value: £5,000
Item cost: £11,250
Item date acquired: 2011
Item institution: Foundling Museum

A hitherto unrecorded contemporary manuscript, finely bound in contemporary Dutch floral wrappers pasted onto boards with a calf backstrip.  Written in three different hands, of which the two who copied the twelve arias from Alcina have been identified as 'S' and 'S3' using Larsen’s identification of Handel scribes, and the copyist for the three arias from Ariodante is possibly 'S4'. The copyists 'S1' and 'S3' also collaborated on manuscripts of the same two operas now in the Royal Music Collection (R.M.19.a.16 and RM.19.a.12) in the British Library.

Item Provenance
Samuel Gedge Rare Books.