Icones plantarum medico-oeconomio-technologicarum cum earum fructus ususque descriptione. Vienna.

Item author: Ferdinand Bernherd Vietz
Item date: 1800 to 1822
Grant Value: 5,000
Item cost: 45,000 (approximate sterling price)
Item cost pre-decimal: NULL
Item date acquired: 2003
Item institution: Natural History Museum
Town/City: London

This set of an extremely rare botanical monograph contains 1,187 hand-coloured engraved plates and is bound in a contemporary half-leather binding. Volumes 1 to 2 were written by Vietz, an Austrian physician, who later became Professor of Forensic Medicine at Vienna University. Volumes 4 to 11 and the Supplement were probably edited or perhaps written by Joseph Lorenz Kerndl. The set was published in Vienna by Schrämblschen Verlag between 1800 and 1822. This acquisition replaces the Museum's previous set which was destroyed in a bombing raid in 1940. One plate is illustrated in the AR.

Item Provenance
Emil Starkenstein (1884-1942); Gottschalk family, who took it to the USA.