Justa Edovardo King naufrago, ab Amicis mœrentibus, amoris & μνείας χάριν …First edition, containing the first printing of John Milton's Lycidas, Cambridge 1638.

Item author: John Milton
Item date: 1638
Grant Value: £5,000
Item cost: £75,000
Item date acquired: 2011
Item institution: Milton's Cottage Trust
Town/City: Chalfont St Giles
County: Buckinghamshire

Lycidas first appeared in this memorial volume of 36 poems, the outpouring of Cambridge University's grief at the death of Edward King of Christ's College, drowned at sea in 1637. The present volume is the third and rarest printing of Milton's poem and has MS corrections, including one to Lycidas.

Item Provenance
Justa Edovardo King naufrago, ab Amicis mœrentibus, amoris & μνείας χάριν …First edition, containing the first printing of John Milton's Lycidas, Cambridge 1638.