Latin Psalter

Item author: Johann Fust and Peter Schoeffer (Printers)
Item date: 1459
Grant Value: 500
Item cost pre-decimal: 95,000
Item date acquired: 1951
Item institution: British Library
Town/City: London

Total price is for 12 manuscripts described separately and 83 early printed books, highlights of which include Speculum humanae saluationis (AR plate VI) Utrecht 1470; the hitherto unrecorded Prenosticata anni MCCCCLXXIX; the Caxton printing Propositio ad Carolum ducem Burgundiae 1468; Wynkyn de Wordes 1494 printing of St Bonaventuras Speculum vitae Christi which at one time belonged to Dr John Dee; an edition of Virgil printed at Venice by Vindelinus de Spira 1471; Guido de Monte Rocherii, Manipulus Curatorum, 1496; a Missal of Verdun use printed on vellum by Jean Dupre, Paris 1481; Epistole phallaridis, printed at Valencia 1496 by Nicolaus Spindeler; a Coverdale Bible 1535 in exceptionally good condition; a fine copy of Shakespeare second folio edition; many of the books are finely bound in 18th century red morocco and diced russia with the Coke arms and roll tooled borders in gold. Illustrated at plates VI VII and VIII of AR

Item Provenance
Marly Library, later collection of the Earl of Leicester, Holkham Hall, Norfolk