Letters to Vivian de Sola Pinto

Item author: Siegfried Sassoon
Item date: 1919 to 1966
Grant Value: 2,000
Item cost: 7,000
Item cost pre-decimal: NULL
Item date acquired: 2003
Item institution: Imperial War Museum
Town/City: London

This collection consists of 51 letters and 6 postcards written by Siegfried Sassoon to Vivian de Sola Pinto between January 1919 and December 1966. Pinto first met Sassoon in France in June 1918, when he reported for duty with 'A' Company of the 25th Battalion Royal Welsh Fusiliers as Sassoon's second in command. Pinto was himself a poet and the two officers developed a strong friendship, which continued long after the war, when Pinto eventually became Professor of English Literature at Nottingham University. This series of letters reflects both men's professional interest in English poetry and literature, and contains many references to their shared experiences during the First World War.

Item Provenance
Bought at a sale by Mill House Auctions, Helston on 4 November 2003 (lot 399).