The Life and Posthumous Writings of William Cowper (3 vols)

Item author: William Hayley
Item date: 1803, 1804
Grant Value: 1,500
Item cost: 2,400
Item cost pre-decimal: NULL
Item date acquired: 2005
Item institution: Cowper and Newton Museum
Town/City: Olney
County: Buckinghamshire

This copy includes a set of interleaved drawings and a silhouette of Cowper by the original owner, John Higgins. He was an admirer of Cowper and a talented amateur artist. Volume 1 also contains six pen and ink drawings, one of The Lodge at Weston Underwood and five views of the Old Hall at Weston.

Item Provenance
John Higgins; Charles Longuet Higgins of Turvey Abbey.