The Lilleshall Collection

Item date: 12th to 20th centuries
Grant Value: 5,000
Item cost: 69,000 (tax remission)
Item cost pre-decimal: NULL
Item date acquired: 2005
Item institution: Shropshire Archives
Town/City: Shrewsbury
County: Shropshire

The collection fills 250 boxes and conatins material from the 12th to the 20th centuries, including nearly 800 medieval deeds relating to Lilleshall Abbey, Wombridge Priory, Shrewsbury Abbey and their estates. A further 300 deeds reflect two centuries of the Lilleshall estate in private ownership after the dissolution of the monasteries. Also purchased were some outstanding estate maps from the late 16th to early 17th centuries.

Item Provenance
Dukes of Sutherland and thence by descent.