Manuscript correspondence with letters from his doctor and other family members

Item author: John Ruskin
Item date: 1819 - 1902
Grant Value: 2,500
Item cost: 12,000
Item date acquired: 1992
Item institution: The Ruskin, Lancaster University (grant awarded to The Ruskin Galleries, I of Wight, and that collection is now owned by The Ruskin).
Town/City: Lancaster
County: Lancashire

Note that the Ruskin Galleries no longer exists.  The Whitehouse Ruskin Collection is now owned by the University of Lancaster's The Ruskin - Library Museum and Research Centre, to which a major grant was awarded by FNL in 2018.

Collection contains seven letters from Dr John Simon to his wife, from Brantwood in 1878 at the time of Ruskin's serious breakdown. There are 49 letters from Ruskin to John and Jane Simon, six letters from Margaret Ruskin to her son, and twelve from Maria La Touche, mother of Rose. There are also financial records, cancelled cheques and half-yearly accounts and 25 drawings, including two by Ruskin one of which is of St Mark's Campanile drawn for reproduction in The Stones of Venice.


Item Provenance
Bonhams June 1992, Lot 130, probably originating from the dealer T. H. Telford of Grasmere who bought much at the dispersal of Ruskins possessions at Brantwood in 1931