Medical Commonplace Book

Item author: Dr Giles Roberts
Item date: 1796-1808
Grant Value: £1,500
Item cost: £1,750
Item date acquired: 2012
Item institution: Bridport Museum
Town/City: Bridport
County: Dorset

Dr Giles Roberts (1766-1834) was a prominent physician in Bridport.  His family was part of the new merchant class and were able to give him an education; he developed an interest in science and medica botany.  By thirteen he had developed some early medicines. In 1788 Roberts set up a chemist and druggist business in Bridport and began to practice as an apothecary.  He went to London to study medicine, returning to Bridport in 1795. His commonplace book, in his own hand, contains many recipes for medicines.  

Item Provenance
Samuel Gedge Catalogue XI, item 96.