Oriental Scenery

Item author: Thomas and William Daniell
Item date: 1794 - 1803
Grant Value: 2,500
Item cost: 242,000
Item date acquired: 1987
Item institution: Cambridge University Library
Town/City: Cambridge
County: Cambridgeshire

Reputedly coloured by Daniell himself. This is the first listed book in a collection of 319 books of topography and travel collected by Mason over 40 years. Other highlights include JB Frasers Views in the Himala Mountains, 1820; Boydells History of the River Thames, 1828; J Merigots Views and Ruins in Rome, 1797 and John Nashs The Royal Pavilion, 1826. The latter, in paper wrappers, is still in its original portfolio, stamped in gilt with the arms of George IV. It was consulted for the restoration and redecoration of the Royal Pavilion

Item Provenance
Collection of John Harley Mason