Manuscript letters and papers of the Horton, Wilmot and Wilmot-Horton families of Catton, Derbyshire

Item date: 13th - 19th centuries
Grant Value: 2,500
Item cost: 276,000
Item date acquired: 1987
Item institution: Derbyshire Record Office

Family and local papers with deeds and estate papers for properties in South Derbyshire and adjacent counties from 13th century to late 18th century. More important are the papers of Robert Wilmot of Osmaston, resident secretary in England to the third Duke of Devonshire when viceroy in Ireland, and deputy Lord Chamberlain to Lord Hertford. Also included are the papers of Sir Robert John Wilmot-Horton, Under Secretary for War and the Colonies 1821 -28 and Governor of Ceylon 1831 - 37. He was in correspondence with most major politicians of the day and interested in poor-law reform so there are letters from Malthus, Ricardo, Tooke, Torrens, Edgeworth, John Galt and Zachary Macaulay as well as James Mill and Robert Owen