A discourse or traictise ... wherin he openly declared his ... iudgemente concernynqe the sacrament of the Lordes supper

Item author: Peter Martyr Vermigli
Item date: 1550
Grant Value: 2,000
Item cost: 12,958
Item date acquired: 1993
Item institution: Lambeth Palace Library
Town/City: London

Written by the Regius Professor of Divinity at Oxford. Acquired at the Goyder sale withJohn Jewel, Bishop of Salisbury: The true copies of the letters betwene ... Iohn Bisshop of Sarum and D. Cole, 1560; the only known complete copy of the Book of Common Prayer printed by Richard Jugge and John Cawood 1565 and Calvins The sermons ... upon the fifth booke of Moses called Deuternonomie, 1583

Item Provenance
Signature of Robert Bertie, 1st Earl of Lindsey; Collection of George Goyder, sold at Sothebys July 1993