Manuscript letters relating to the publication of his narrative poems

Item author: Sir Walter Scott
Item date: 1803 - 12
Grant Value: 3,600
Item cost: 10,000
Item date acquired: 1994
Item institution: National Library of Scotland
Town/City: Edinburgh

A series of 12 letters to Scotts London publishers, Longman and Rees, dealing in fascinating detail with matters relating to the publishing, illustrating and selling of The Lay of the Last Minstrel,1805, Ballads and Lyrical Pieces, 1806, Marmion 1808, and The Lady of the Lake 1810. There is also a letter relating to Scotts reviews of works by Joseph Ritson, including Ritsons Metrical Romances and to his willingness to supervise the issue of Ritsons wok on Scottish poets