Album of Caricatures

Item author: John Gibson Lockhart
Item date: 1810 - 17
(this is an approximate date)
Grant Value: 3,000
Item cost: 8,000
Item date acquired: 1997
Item institution: National Library of Scotland
Town/City: Edinburgh

Lockhart is best remembered today as the biographer of Scott and for his biting attacks on the poetry of Leigh Hunt and Keats in Blackwoods Magazine, but in his youth he was also a spirited caricaturist, papering the walls of his rooms at Oxford with sketches of his friends and foes. This collection includes pleasing portrait sketches of Lord Byron and Benjamin West as well as a splendid scene in watercolour of a group of gouty and cantankerous Oxford dons reading the Edinburgh Review, and a large scene showing members of the presbytery of Glasgow (including his own father) fulminating against the new Roman Catholic St Andrews Chapel, designed in the gothic style by James Gillespie Graham. Illustrated as frontispiece to AR