
Item author: George Bernard Shaw and Sir Barry Jackson
Item date: 1923 - 50
Grant Value: 7,500
Item cost: 30,000
Item date acquired: 1997
Item institution: Birmingham Archives and Heritage Service: The Library of Birmingham
Town/City: Birmingham
County: West Midlands

Includes letters from Blanche Patch, Shaws secretary and Charlotte Shaw. In 1929 Shaw and Barry founded the Malvern festival and the correspondence contains a detailed discussion of the staging of Shaws plays. There is also correspondence from the period 1946 - 48 when Barry was Director of the Stratford Festival. This collection of letters now augments the archives of Birmingham Repertory Theatre (founded by Barry 1913) and Malvern Festival Theatre in the central collections of Birmingham Central Library

Item Provenance
Bought from the estate of Tom English, Sir Barry Jacksons secretary