
Item author: Uberto Gambara, Papal Nuncio at the Court of Henry VIII
Item date: 1526 - 27
Grant Value: 4,500
Item cost: $40,000
Item date acquired: 2001
Item institution: Lambeth Palace Library
Town/City: London

Contains fair copies of the despatches received and sent by Gambara whilst in London, a total of 694 folio pages. It covers a period of turmoil in Europe, dominated by war between Charles V and Francis I of France, the spread of Lutheranism and the Sack of Rome. The Letter book sets the scene for this crucial period in the history of the English church as the weakness of Pope Clement VII helped Henry pursue his divorce from Catherine of Aragon. Gambaras outgoing despatches from London appear to be unpublished and provide fascinating details about his distinctly hostile relationship with Wolsey. Grant donated by the Esme Fairbairn Charitable Trust. Total purchase price is in US dollars