Lady Ottoline Morrell photographic collection

Item author: Lady Ottoline Morrell
Item date: 1908 to 1937
Grant Value: 10,000
Item cost: 40,000
Item cost pre-decimal: NULL
Item date acquired: 2003
Item institution: National Portrait Gallery
Town/City: London

Lady Ottoline Morrell (1873-1928) was the half-sister of the 6th Duke of Portland. In 1902 she married Philip Morrell in 1902 and until 1915, they lived in Bloomsbury where she established herself as a literary and political hostess. From 1915 they lived at Garsington Manor, near Oxford. She enjoyed socialising and shared Bloomsbury's interest in contemporary art. At Garsington she attracted a wide variety of artists and writers and was associated particularly Lytton Strachey, Henry Lamb, Aldous Huxley and Bertrand Russell. The core of the collection comprises 12 albums containing 3,953 captioned photographs of well-known mainly literary, figures. In addition, there is a fine series of portraits of Lady Ottoline by the leading photographers of the day and loose prints and original negatives make up the collection to c. 20,000 items. A photograph of Bertrand Russell, Maynard Keynes and Lytton Strachey is illustrated in the AR.

Item Provenance
Family descent