Four books from the Florence Court Library

Item date: 1791 to 1873
Grant Value: 1,288
Item cost: 1,288
Item cost pre-decimal: NULL
Item date acquired: 2003
Item institution: National Trust, Florence Court

The library of Florence Court was in the main collected by William Willoughby Cole, 3rd Earl of Enniskillen (1807-86), an enthusiastic amateur scientist. The library was removed by his descendents, but the Trust has been able to buy nearly 500 back for the house. The four books presented by the Friends were (i) William Robertson, An Historical Disquisition Concerning the Knowledge which the Americans had of India, and the Progress of Trade with that Country, Dublin, 1791; (ii) A collection of 10 scientific offprints by the geologist friend of the 3rd Earl, Louis Agassiz, 1807-83; (iii) Sir James Emerson Tennent, Ceylon..., London 1860; and Sir James Emerson Tennent, The Story of the Guns, London 1864 (AUTHOR's presentation copy to the 3rd Earl).

Item Provenance
Family descent