Scott Family Sketchbooks

Item author: George Gilbert Scott Junior and his family
Item date: 19th and 20th century
Grant Value: 4,000
Item cost: $19,000
Item cost pre-decimal: NULL
Item date acquired: 2005
Item institution: RIBA Architectural Library
Town/City: London

This collection includes loose drawings by George Gilbert Scott Senior (1811-78), founder of an architectural dynasty, of buildings in England, France and Germany and 5 notebooks on restoration projects. The purchase includes sketchbooks by his son George Gilbert Scott Junior (1839-97). Seven sketchbooks are by Adrian Gilbert Scott (1882-1963), grandson of the founder. As a whole, this collection of architectural and topographical drawings comprises 12 sketchbooks, one portfolio of loose drawings and a photograph album.

Item Provenance
Scott family; Sotheby's in 1972; private collection in Lumberville, Pennsylvania; dealer in Pennsylvania.