Four books from the Macclesfield science library

Item date: 17th and 18th centuries
Grant Value: 1,692
Item cost: 1,692
Item cost pre-decimal: NULL
Item date acquired: 2005
Item institution: Royal Society
Town/City: London

The Royal Society contains a fine library of early scientific books and manuscripts. The four books were De Momento quo gravia by Francesco Spoleti, Venice, 1686; Epistola ad amicum by Henry Pemberton, London, 1722; Institutions Newtoniennes by Pierre Sigorgne, Paris, 1747; and Philosophiae recentioris... by Benedetto Stay, Rome, 1775 .

Item Provenance
Earls of Macclesfield, Shirburn Castle until sold at Sotheby's on 25-26 October 2005