The Sudeley Family Archive, 14-19th cent.

Item date: 14th-19th century
Grant Value: £4,875
Item cost: £19,500
Item cost pre-decimal: NULL
Item date acquired: 2007
Item institution: Gloucestershire Archives
Town/City: Gloucester
County: Gloucestershire

Over 1,100 documents relating to the Hanbury and Tracy estates inherited and acquired by Charles Hanbury Tracy (1778-1858), 1st Baron Sudeley, who created the family's principal seat at Toddington Manor, Gloucestershire. Most of the documents are title deeds from the 14th century onwards, and there are also materials concerning related families, including the Blayneys of Gregynog Hall, Montgomeryshire, and the Weaver family of Shropshire.

Item Provenance
Lord Sudeley