Tottenham Manorial Deed

Item date: 1441
Grant Value: £447
Item cost: £447
Item cost pre-decimal: NULL
Item date acquired: 2007
Item institution: Bruce Castle Museum, Archives & Local History Service
Town/City: London

Release by John Fray Alexander and Anne and John Combe to John Gedeney, citizen and alderman of London, of all their rights in the manor of 'Mokkynges' in Tottenham, Middlesex, 18 December 1441. On vellum with fragments of seals. John Gedeney was a member of the Worshipful Company of Drapers, and he is almost certainly the John Gedeney who was Lord Mayor of London in 1427.

Item Provenance
Mullock's, Shropshire, 23 August 2007, lot 313