Letters to Raymond Bantock and Katherine Eggar

Item author: Gustav Holst
Item date: 1918-20
Grant Value: £865
Item cost: £865
Item cost pre-decimal: NULL
Item date acquired: 2007
Item institution: Holst Victorian House
Town/City: Cheltenham
County: Gloucestershire

(1) A letter from Holst to Raymond Bantock, son of the composer Granville Bantock, with a message in astrological symbols, written not long before the first full performance of The Planets, 15 September 1920 (2) Two letters from Holst to the pianist and composer Katherine Eggar, the first inviting her to the first private performance of The Planets, 25 September 1918, the second inviting her to a rehearsal at Morley College, 9 December 1920.

Item Provenance
Sotheby's 23 May 2007, lot 81