Letters to members of the Redgrave family

Item author: Samuel Palmer (1805-81)
Item date: 1857-80
Grant Value: £7,500
Item cost: £58,750
Item cost pre-decimal: NULL
Item date acquired: 2008
Item institution: Bodleian Library
Town/City: Oxford
County: Oxfordshire

132 letters from Samuel Palmer to Richard Redgrave (1804-88), painter and founder of the Etching Club; his wife Rose (1811-99); their daughters Frances (1845-1932) and Evelyn (1849-1942); and his brother Samuel Redgrave (1802-76), art critic and civil servant. The letters give detailed accounts of Palmer's progress in the medium of etching, comments on modern taste, the fashionable world of galleries and exhibitions and the peculiarities of those who frequented them.