Illuminated Grant of Arms to Thomas Boadicoate

Item author: John Anstis and Sir John Vanbrugh
Item date: 1720
Grant Value: £1,000
Item cost: £2,700
Item cost pre-decimal: NULL
Item date acquired: 2009
Item institution: Victoria & Albert Museum, National Art Library
Town/City: London

Sir John Vanbrugh (1664-1726) was Clarenceux King of Arms, an office he claimed to have acquired 'in jest' when he resigned it in 1725. The Grant, signed by Anstis and Vanbrugh, is calligraphically written and finely illuminated. Boadicoate, a member of the Coopers' Company, paid Vanbrugh and Anstis, Garter King of Arms, the large sum of £30 for his grant.

Item Provenance
Maggs Bros., Catalogue 2009, no. 165