Deeds relating to the Gore Family of Alderton, 1335-1441, and the Barnard Family of Silchester and Hilmarton, 1300-1576.

Item date: 14-16th centuries.
Grant Value: £6,228
Item cost: £12,454
Item cost pre-decimal: NULL
Item date acquired: 2009
Item institution: Wiltshire & Swindon History Centre
Town/City: Chippenham
County: Wiltshire

A substantial group of 95 medieval deeds relating mostly to the Gore family. Thomas Gore, the antiquary and contemporary of John Aubrey, transcribed them for the manuscript history of his family, 'Syntagma Genealogicum', now in the Victoria and Albert Museum.

Item Provenance
Horners Auction, Acle, Norfolk, 12 September 2009, lots 274-281, 284-285