Maps and accounts of the estate of John Baker Holroyd, Earl of Sheffield, in East Sussex, Yorkshire and Ireland

Item date: 1778-1820
Grant Value: £1,000
Item cost: £11,750
Item date acquired: 2010
Item institution: East Sussex, Brighton and Hove Record Office
Town/City: Lewes
County: East Sussex

A volume of over 400 pages, containing detailed maps of each farm on the estate (which extended to 4000 acres in half a dozen parishes, including those elements in Yorkshire and Ireland), cut from a book of over thirty surveys made by Edward Wakefield in 1814. It also includes the names of the tenants, their terms, rents and allowances, the number of acres in tillage every year and the annual seeding-rates and cropping of every field, with comments on the state of the farms and their woods and buildings, covering the years 1812-1820, together with an analysis of income and expenditure, both for the estate and its owners, between 1812 and 1820. The volume is is one of the most detailed records of its kind in existence.

Item Provenance
Dominic Winter Book Auctions, 4 March 2010, lot 700