A bound volume containing three relatively rare printed pamphlets of the period (listed below) and a little gem – a contemporary manuscript plan apparently showing the proposed defences of the City. The Parliamentarians famously held Gloucester against a besieging Royalist army during August and early September 1643 and the survival of this plan has excited local researchers.
The pamphlets are An Historicall Relation of the Military Government of Gloucester from the beginning of the Civill Warre Betweene King and Parliament to the removall of Colonell Massie from that Government to the Comand of the Westerne Forces. By John Corbet Preacher of Gods Word, London, 1645; A True Relation of a wicked Plot Intended and still on foot against the City of Glocester To betray the same into the hands of the Cavaliers Discovered by Captaine Backhouse...’, London, 1644; and Gloucester's Triumph at the Solemn Proclamation of King Charles the Second .., 1660.