The Historie of Two the moste Noble Capitaines of the Worlde, Annibal and Scipio

Item author: Antonie Cope
Item date: 1548
Grant Value: 160
Item cost pre-decimal: 160
Item date acquired: 1949
Item institution: British Library
Town/City: London

Remarkable for the fragments of early 16th century books found in the binding, many hitherto unknown, comprising Gringore: Castle of Labour 1510; Richard Pynson: The Breuyate and shorte Tragycall hystorie of the fayre Custance; The History of the Excellent Knight Generides; Erasmus: Epistle to Christopher Bishop of Basle, 1530; Wyllyam Myddylton: Enterlude of the iiii cardynal vertues c.1545; A Prayer for Victorie and Peace 1548; Myddylton: A Merry Jest of the Friar and the Boy c.1545; Tyndales Exposition of St Matthew in an unidentified edition. Illustrated as plates III and IV of AR