The History of Jason

Item author: Raoul Le Fevre
Item date: 1492
Grant Value: 250
Item cost pre-decimal: 85,000
Item date acquired: 1957
Item institution: British Library
Town/City: London

One of three known copies. Part of a collection of 130 books including 60 incunables, 14 books printed by Wynkyn de Worde, a large number of 16th and 17th century books of which no other copy is recorded and 8 bindings of exceptional quality. Highlights include Kalendar of Shyppars, 1503, the only perfect copy in existence; (plate I in AR) de Medina's The Arte of Nauigation, 1581 - only one other copy known; Barnabe Barnes: Parthenophil and Parthenope, 1593, only recorded copy; a Book of Common Prayer in an unusually fine London binding of black morocco with inlays of white brown and red, attributed to Fletcher. Illustrated as plate II of AR

Item Provenance
Duke of Devonshire's Library at Chatsworth.