The White Devil

Item author: John Webster
Item date: not given
Grant Value: 400
Item cost pre-decimal: Not recorded
Item date acquired: 1964
Item institution: Edinburgh University Library
Town/City: Edinburgh

Acquired with 600 other books, the majority 17th century English drama. As well as the first of The White Devil, Webster is represented by firsts of The Devils law-case, and Appius and Virginia, plus first, second and third editions of The Duchess of Malfy [sic]. Other playwrights include Dryden, Lee, Beaumont and Fletcher, Otway, Congreve, Shadwell, Nicholas Rowe, Wycherley, Farquhar and Fielding

Item Provenance
Collection of James Orchard Halliwell (Halliwell-Phillipps) given by him to the Penzance Library. Sold at Sothebys 27th May 1964