Origines Britannicae

Item author: Edward Stillingfleet
Item date: 1685
Grant Value: £300
Item cost: £300
Item date acquired: 2010
Item institution: Bruce Castle Museum, Archives & Local History Service
Town/City: London

Bruce Castle Museum is a 16th century manor house in Tottenham, formerly known as Lordship House, which now houses the museum and archives for the London Borough of Haringey. The building has had various owners and a fascinating history over the past 500 years. Amongst them were the Lords Coleraine and their descendants, who were lords of the manor of Tottenham from the year 1626. At this time the house and land were owned by Hugh Hare, 1st Lord Coleraine. His family occupied the house until his great-great-great grandson Henry Hare Townsend sold the entire estate and manorial rights in 1792. The Stillingfleet volume was Lord Coleraine’s own copy, with his autograph notes and original armorial binding.

Item Provenance
Paul Grinke, bookseller