Papers relating to the Northumberland Pitmen's Strike

Item date: 1831
Grant Value: £500
Item cost: £974
Item cost pre-decimal: NULL
Item date acquired: 2007
Item institution: Tyne and Wear Archives
Town/City: Newcastle-upon-Tyne
County: Tyne and Wear

In 1831 a recently formed Union of Northumberland Miners struck for a wage increase and a shortening of their working hours of 17-18 a day. The present papers mainly comprise letters to the Clerk of the Peace for Northumberland, Mr Thorpe, from Thomas Turnbull, his Deputy Clerk. The letters give an almost daily account of the strike and its effects from 12 March-20 June 1831, and the authorities' efforts to break the strike by bringing in strike breakers, special constables and the military, and by evicting strikers from their tied homes. The strike was however successful, and working hours were shortened to 12 a day.

Item Provenance
Mullock's Sale, 19 April 2007, lot 112