Pharmacopoeia Londinensis: or, the London Dispensatory

Item author: Nicholas Culpeper
Item date: 1661
Grant Value: 250
Item cost: 500
Item date acquired: 1997
Item institution: Aberdeen University Library
Town/City: Aberdeen
County: Aberdeenshire

Bought to reunite with the rest of the Bibliotheck of Kirkwall now held at Aberdeen University Library. Bequeathed to the town of Kirkwall in 1683 by William Baikie , the 160 volumes became one of the earliest public libraries in Scotland. The older books were disposed of in 1891 and bought by James B. Craven who later presented the volumes to the University of Aberdeen

Item Provenance
Inscribed Gifted to the Librarie of Kirkwall be Mr Wm McKenzie Commisser of Orkney May 17 1694