Philip Miller, The Gardener's Dictionary

Item author: Philip Miller
Item date: 1748
Grant Value: £510
Item cost: £1,013
Item date acquired: 2012
Item institution: Gilbert White's House
Town/City: Selborne
County: Hampshire

Philip Miller’s Gardener's Dictionary was one of the most popular gardening books of the 18th century. Miller was an expert botanist and gardener, and the book was published in many different forms and editions: the first edition appeared in 1724, and the last edition in 1807. A contemporary of White’s wrote in 1753 that it was: "the best of all, and that when one has it, no book is afterwards required."  

White purchased a copy in early 1749 was clearly so impressed with the book he updated it in October 1753 by buying a larger, more comprehensive edition. in 1759 White wrote to Miller for advice about his beloved melons, a fruit that every country gentleman of the period strove to grow to perfection.


Item Provenance
Bonhams, 13th November 2012, lot 180.