Political papers

Item author: Edward Grigg, 1st Lord Altrincham (1879-1955)
Item date: 1890s to 1955
Grant Value: 10,000
Item cost: 80,000
Item cost pre-decimal: NULL
Item date acquired: 2003
Item institution: Bodleian Library
Town/City: Oxford
County: Oxfordshire

Edward Grigg, 1st Lord Altrincham (1879-1955) was a journalist, public servant and politician. The archive reflects all aspects of his life, including the India of his childhood, his period as a journalist with The Times, his service in the First World War and his political career. The papers detail, among other key events, negotiations with Ireland in 1921 and 1922, the 1921 Imperial Conference and Sir Edwin Montagu's resignation as Secretary of State for India in 1922. The archive contains many letters from a host of leading contenporaries, including Churchill, John Buchan, Duff Cooper, Geoffrey Dawson and Harold Macmillan.

Item Provenance
Family descent.