The Psalmes of David with over 40 other volumes of important early puritan literature

Item author: John Calvin, Hugh Latimer and others
Item date: 1571
Grant Value: 25
Item cost pre-decimal: Not recorded
Item date acquired: 1949
Item institution: Evangelical Library
Town/City: London

14 works by Calvin, 8 works by Hugh Latimer, including 27 Sermons, 1562, William Tindal The Obedience of a Christinan Man, 1535, Martin Luther The Exposition of Solomons Booke called Ecclesiastes, 1573, John Cotton The Way of Life ... 1641 and Thomas Hooker The Souls Vocation ... 1638 and many other authors of the period

Item Provenance
The Robinson and Campbell collections of the works of the Reformers and Puritans