The Sidmouth family archive

Item date: 1705-1824
Grant Value: £4,325
Item cost: £1,416,433 (part of a hybrid acceptance-in-lieu arrangement)
Item cost pre-decimal: NULL
Item date acquired: 2008
Item institution: Devon Record Office
Town/City: Exeter
County: Devon

The political papers and correspondence of Henry Addington, 1st Viscount Sidmouth (1757-1844), Home Secretary and Prime Minister, and some earlier family papers. Sidmouth's papers chart the progress of the war with France (there are about 50 letters from Nelson) and throw much light on internal politics and social conditions, including the suppression of the Luddites and the Peterloo Massacre. There are about 100 letters from George III, many letters from George IV and Queen Caroline and other prominent figures of the period, including Pitt, Grenville, Liverpool, Castlereagh, Wellington and William Wilberforce.

Item Provenance
The Addington family, Viscounts Sidmouth