
Item author: JM Gandy
Item date: 1806
(this is an approximate date)
Grant Value: 3,000
Item cost: 8,970
Item date acquired: 1999
Item institution: Sir John Soanes Museum
Town/City: London

31 sheets bound in marbled boards containing drawings and sketches relating to several aspects of Gandys work both as an architect and as an antiquarian. There are drawings taken at Storrs in Windermere, Roslin, Melrose, Newcastle, Lancaster Church and Castle and Shrewsbury Market House. The measured drawings of Roslin Chapel are of considerable interest in showing the precise form of the chapel in 1806. There are also a most interesting series of designs for buildings at Storrs Hall, Windermere, which Gandy remodelled for John Bolton 1808 - 11 complete with druidical temples, stables, icehouses and lodges

Item Provenance
Family descent