Search FNL grants since 1931

Displaying 861 - 870 of 1973
Author: Anon
Item date: 16th century
Date acquired: 1990
Grant Value: 800
Item cost: 5,904
Institution: Glasgow University Library
Town/City: Glasgow

The section from 1557 to 1575 appears to have been written from contemporary knowledge. The author may have lived in Edinburgh and been a minor official at Court

Author: Philip Larkin
Item date: 1971 - 85
Date acquired: 1990
Grant Value: 600
Item cost: 3,500
Institution: Hull University Archives, Hull History Centre
Town/City: Hull
County: Yorkshire

Gunner was a childhood friend who made contact again late in life. The letters reveal much of Larkins political opinions. The collection also includes 31 letters and 22 carbon copies of letters from Gunner to Larkin. 250 of the grant was paid out of the Philip Larkin fund

Author: Field Marshal Sir Stapleton Cotton, 1st Viscount Combermere
Item date: 18th - 19th centuries
Date acquired: 1991
Grant Value: 800
Item cost: 15,500
Institution: National Army Museum, Sandhurst
Town/City: Sandhurst
County: Surrey

The collection of papers includes two volumes of letters from the Duke of Wellington written during the Peninsula campaign (Cotton was the leader of his cavalry force).

Item date: 1280 - 90
Date acquired: 1991
Grant Value: 2,000
Item cost: 50,000
Institution: Lambeth Palace Library
Town/City: London

Early prototype Book of Hours, excessively rare.

Author: John Wodehouse, first Earl of Kimberley
Item date: 1862 - 1902
Date acquired: 1991
Grant Value: 4,000
Item cost: 48,000
Institution: Bodleian Library
Town/City: Oxford
County: Oxfordshire

Official papers of Wodehouses fifty years service in government, together with a five volume journal of particular interest for events during the Gladstone ministry 1868 - 74.

Author: Horace Walpole
Item date: 1736 - 70
Date acquired: 1991
Grant Value: 7,000
Item cost: 60,000
Institution: British Library
Town/City: London

Montagu and Walpole first met at Eton and shared many tastes, this most significant collection of letters is remarkable for its literary quality and joie de vivre.

Item date: 18th - 19th centuries
Date acquired: 1990
Grant Value: 400
Item cost: 4,200
Institution: Warwickshire County Record Office
Town/City: Warwick
County: Warwickshire

The bulk of the collection is connected with the legal and business affairs of John Ludford and William Priest in the mid 18th century

Item date: 19th century
Date acquired: 1990
Grant Value: 250
Item cost: 250
Institution: Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent Archive Service
Town/City: Lichfield
County: Staffordshire

An important group of documents showing the development of the cotton-spinning complex on the River Dove at Tutbury into a plaster grinding mill.

Author: James Martineau and Francis William Newman
Item date: 1872 - 1886
Date acquired: 1990
Grant Value: 400
Item cost: 816
Institution: Manchester College

Letters on theological and philosophical subjects and the politcs of Unitarianism. Martineau was Principal of Manchester College 1869 - 1885

Author: DH Lawrence
Item date: not given
Date acquired: 1990
Grant Value: 2,500
Item cost: 49,375
Institution: University of Nottingham
Town/City: Nottingham
County: Nottinghamshire

27 items, including the heavily revised typescript of Wintry Peacock and the manuscript text of the play Touch and go. Page proofs include those for the collected poems Amores, 1916 and New Poems, 1918